Śyāma-rasika dāsa: Production management, layout, visual content management, visual content editing, print management, infrastructural support, overall coordination with unflinching conviction that if we intelligently work hard to fulfil Śrīla Prabhupāda’s desires and instructions, Lord Kṛṣṇa will provide everything and everyone required to do so successfully.
Rasapriyā Gopikā devī dāsī: Devanāgarī conversion, transliteration, verse indexing, reference indexing, first proof-reading, infrastructural support for translation and rendition.
Parama Sundara dāsa: Synonyms and critical review of translation (for Chapters 53 to 72 and 89 to 119).
Vidvān Gaurāṅga dāsa: Devanāgarī conversion and correction, transliteration, synonyms (for the remaining chapters), translation, inline notes, footnotes, Sanskrit-English equivalents, editing, second proofreading, visual content management, administrative supervision, responsibility for any residual error whatsoever.
They are indebted to
His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja for being a continual source of inspiration to publish appropriately annotated translations of the scriptures and the writings of the previous ācāryas relevant to the needs of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement,
His Holiness Lokanāth Swami Mahārāja for instructing them to always be busy in devotional service to the Supreme Lord and continue working on the Rāmāyaṇa,
His Holiness Bhakti Vikāsa Swami Mahārāja for encouraging them to properly work on this, pointing out some errors and helping in many other ways.
Special thanks to
Acintya Caitanya dāsa and Rādhikā-jīvana dāsa for their miscellaneous advice.
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International for permitting us to quote from Śrīla Prabhupāda's books.