Below are audio recordings of readings from the Sanskrit commentaries of Acaryas Ramanuja (Gita-bhasya), Madhva (Gita-bhasya), Sridhara (Subodhini), Visvanatha (Sarartha-varsini) and Baladeva (Gita-bhusana), and the Bengali commentaries of Bhaktivinoda (Rasika-ranjana and Vidvad-ranjana), as well as Srila Prabhupada's synonyms, translations and purport on Bhagavad-gita. The readings from Sanskrit and Bengali are followed by English translations, usually paragraph by paragraph, but sometimes sentence by sentence. When the translations contain errors or require clarification, then corrections and explanations are provided. This exercise is taken up to better understand Srila Prabhupada's own explanation to the Gita against the backdrop of the commentaries used by him and their backgrounds.
This series of discussions started on 20-Mar-2017 and is ongoing.
These commentaries are linked. Srila Sridhara Svami's commentary is the basis for Visvanatha CakravartiThakura's commentary. And Ramanujacarya's commentary is the template for Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana Prabhu's commentary. Rasika-ranjana supplements CakravartiThakura's tika while Vidvad-ranjana supplements Acarya Baladeva's bhasya. Acarya Madhva's commentary is important as it was printed (without a Bengali translation) by Thakura Bhaktivinoda himself, and there are some points from there that we find in Srila Baladeva's commentary. Prabhupada has directly utilized Vidvad-ranjana and Srila Baladeva's commentary, and it is also clear that he has taken material from Srila Ramanuja's commentary.
The discussions are conducted by Vidvan Gauranga dasa. In attendance is Acintya Caitanya Prabhu. Sometimes, Padmamukha Nimai Prabhu, and Hari Lila Prabhu are also present. (So there are discussions about the material covered in the readings).